Contact information of personnell and offices
Kittilä contact information search (Fonecta)
Switch board, information
Phone number +358 400 356 500, weekdays between 9–11.
Municipality Hall, open weekdays between 8–11 and 11.45–16.
Visiting address Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
E-mail addresses for the employees are in the form of first name.last
Official mail
The municipality of Kittilä / Registry, Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Billing address
More information (in Finnish) on billing address
Contact information for each department
Timo Kurula, phone number +358 40 595 7597
Administrative and financial department
Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Administrative Director, Sanna Pohjola, phone number +358 40 653 0774
Controller, Tuija Lång, phone number +358 40 672 4257
Department of free education and culture
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Head of Education and Culture, Petteri Kinnunen, phone number +358 40 705 7486
Technical department
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Technical Director, Roni Jänkälä, phone number +358 40 540 6357
Roads, streets, parks and routes
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Director of Street Service, Janne Heikkilä, phone number +358 400 862 532
Food service
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Director of Food Service, Eija Heikkinen, phone number +358 40 541 0137
Facility Maintenance
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Property Manager, Esa Summanen, phone number +358 40 702 6243
Kideve Kittilä Development (Kideve Elinkeinopalvelut)
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
Director of econimic development, Katariina Palola, phone number +358 400 955 472
Health and social services
Lapland's health and social services and rescue services were transferred to the wellbeing services counties on 1.1.2023. Information on the social and health care services previously provided by the municipality can be found on the website of the current provider: Wellbeing services county of Lapland,
Municipal subsidiaries
Kittilä Rental Houses Oy (Kittilän Vuokratalot Oy)
Address: Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä
House manager, Timo Sattanen, phone number +358 40 506 4496
Kittilä Rental Houses Oy (Kittilän Vuokratalot Oy) web page, in English
Kittilä District Heating (Kittilän Aluelämpö Oy)
Postal address: PL 45, 99101 Kittilä
General manager, Pekka Tennivaara, phone number 0400 203 119
Levi Water Supply Oy (Levin Vesihuolto Oy)
Office: Muoniontie 219, 99130 Sirkka
General Manager, Petri Laiho, phone number +358 40 704 4054
Levi Water Supply (Levin Vesihuolto) web page, in Finnish