Tietoa maahanmuuttajille - Info for immigrants

https://migri.fi/etusivu - Maahanmuuttoviraston sivustot (kattavasti tietoa, mm. oleskeluluvat, kansalaisuus, miten hakea)
Website for Finnish Immigration Service (wide variety of information, for example, permits and citizenship, how to apply)

www.infofinland.fi - perustietoa usealla kielellä Suomeen ulkomailta muuttaville
Basic information on Finland in several languages

tem.fi/tervetuloa-suomeen - Tervetuloa Suomeen -opas
Welcome to Finland brochure in several languages

www.kela.fi/into In To Finland, Kelan ja Verohallinnon yhteinen palvelupiste
Services of Kela  (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, a government agency that provides basic economic security for everyone living in Finland) and Verohallinto, Finnish Tax Administration (collects taxes to ensure our society has the financial resources it needs to function).

movingtofinland.fi/welcome - Maahanmuuttoviraston infosivusto erityisesti kiintiöpakolaisina Suomeen muuttaville ihmisille.
On this site you will learn the basic information about Finnish society and everyday life, as well as the basic vocabulary of the Finnish language. The site has been specially designed for those coming to Finland as quota refugees.